
- Uitleg deur Ferdie Jansen - RIV
- Bywerkings deur Simon Jansen

FRIESLAND - Land van Oorsprong

Kaart LvO

Geografiese Kaart

"The Secret History of Eddypus"

"One of the most admirable things about history is that almost as a rule, we get as much information out of what it does not say as we get out of what it does say. And so, one may truly and axiomatically aver this: that history consists of two equal parts; one of these is statements of fact, the other is inference, drawn from the facts. To the experienced student of history there are no difficulties about this; to him the half which is unwritten is as clearly and surely visible, by the help of scientific inference, as if it flashed and flamed in letters of fire before his eyes. When the practised eye of the simple peasant sees the half of a frog projecting above the water, he unerringly infers the half of the frog which he does not see. To the expert student in our great science, history is a frog; half of it is submerged, but he knows it is there, and he knows the shape of it"

Mark Twain

Nie Europese Banier


Neustadtgödens soos dit in 2024 daaruit sien. Die oorspronglike straat is nog in gebruik asook die Lutherse Kerk. Die Jansenhuis is herbou en word as 'n museum gebruik maar was ongelukkige nie oop nie.

Lutherse Kerk, Neustadtgödens foto geneem 6 Jan 2024

Geskiedkundige Stories

Hierdie hoofstukke is deur jare se navorsing bymekaar gemaak deur die outeur en vader van die webblad - Ferdie Jansen en sy vrou Elise Breytenbach.




  1.     Uit die Newels van die Tyd
  2.     Geboorte van ‘n Kultuur
  3.     Vestiging van 'n Friesiese Leefstyl
  4.     Die Friesiese Koninkryk
  5.     Vroeë Middeleeue
  6.     Laat Middeleeue
  7.     Neustadtgödens
  8.     Grawe van Friesland
  9.     Martin Luther se Invloed
  10.     Dertigjarige Oorlog
  11.     Pruise en Frederik die Grote
  12.     H.O.I.K. - V.O.C
  13.     Zirke Jansen

Nie Europese Banier