### Character encoding, 'utf-8' highly recommended for new wikis
'xlpage-i18n' => 'utf-8',
### Locale identifier, e.g. 'de' or 'cs_CZ.ISO-8859-2'
'Locale' => 'ak',
### Time format, e.g. 'm-H:%M EET'
'TimeFmt' => '',
### Standard layout strings
'Add Comment' => 'Lewer kommentaar',
'Enter email' => 'Voer e-posadres in',
'Sign as Author' => 'Teken as outeur',
'View' => 'Beskou',
'Reply from Administrator' => 'Antwoord van admin',
'Edit' => 'Wysig',
'History' => 'Geskiedenis',
'Attach' => 'Heg aan',
'Print' => 'Druk',
'Backlinks' => 'Terugskakels',
'Login' => 'Teken aan',
'Logout' => 'Teken uit',
'Recent Changes' => 'Onlangse veranderinge',
'Search' => 'Soek',
'Page last modified on Julie 27, 2021, at 06:39 nm.' => 'Bladsy laas gewysig op Julie 27, 2021, at 06:39 nm.',
'Go' => 'Gaan',
'All Recent Changes' => 'Alle onlangse veranderinge',
# access keys
# 'ak_view' => '',
# 'ak_edit' => 'e',
# 'ak_history' => 'h',
# 'ak_attach' => '',
# 'ak_print' => '',
# 'ak_backlinks' => '',
# 'ak_logout' => '',
# 'ak_recentchanges' => 'c',
### PageTitle/LinkText technical pages (for full list see page Localization.Localization)
'RecentChanges' => 'Onlangse veranderinge',
'AllRecentChanges' => 'Alle onlangse veranderinge',
'GroupHeader' => 'GroupHeader',
'GroupFooter' => 'GroupFooter',
'SideBar' => 'SideBar',
'GroupAttributes' => 'GroupAttributes',
### Print layout strings
'From $WikiTitle
' => 'Van $WikiTitle
'Retrieved from http://jansenfamilie.co.uk/PmWikiAf/XLPage' => 'Ontvang vanaf http://jansenfamilie.co.uk/PmWikiAf/XLPage',
### Page locations
'Site/EditQuickReference' => '',
'Site/UploadQuickReference' => '',
'Site/Search' => '',
'Site.PageNotFound' => '',
### Browse page strings
'redirected from' => '',
### Edit page strings
'Editing PmWikiAf.XLPage' => 'Redigering PmWikiAf.XLPage',
'Save' => 'Stoor',
'Save and edit' => 'Stoor en wysig',
'Publish' => 'Publiseer',
'Save draft' => 'Stoor konsep',
'Save draft and edit' => 'Stoor konsep en wysig dit',
'Preview' => 'Voorskou',
'Cancel' => 'Kanselleer',
'Reset' => 'Kanselleer',
'Author' => 'Skrywer',
'An author name is required.' => ''N Naam van die outeur word vereis.',
'Summary' => 'Opsomming',
'This is a minor edit' => 'Dit is 'n klein wysiging',
'Preview PmWikiAf.XLPage' => 'Voorbeskou {* $FullName}',
'End of preview -- remember to save' => 'Einde van die voorskou - onthou om te stoor',
'Page is unsaved' => 'Bladsy is nie gestoor nie',
'Top' => 'Top',
# access keys
# 'ak_save' => 's',
# 'ak_saveedit' => 'u',
# 'ak_preview' => 'p',
# 'ak_savedraft' => 'd',
# 'ak_textedit' => ',',
# 'e_rows' => '23',
# 'e_cols' => '60',
### Page history strings
'PmWikiAf.XLPage History' => '{$ FullName} Geskiedenis',
'Show minor edits' => 'Wys klein wysigings',
'Hide minor edits' => 'Versteek klein wysigings',
'Show changes to markup' => 'Wys wysigings aan die opmaak',
'Show changes to output' => 'Toon veranderinge aan uitvoer',
'by' => 'deur',
'Restore' => 'Herstel',
'Added line $DiffLines:' => 'Reël $DiffLines is bygevoeg:',
'Added lines $DiffLines:' => 'Reëls $ DiffLines bygevoeg:',
'Changed line $DiffLines from:' => 'Die lyn $ DiffLines is verander vanaf:',
'Changed lines $DiffLines from:' => 'Veranderde lyne $ DiffLines vanaf:',
'Deleted line $DiffLines:' => 'Reël $ DiffLines is uitgevee:',
'Deleted lines $DiffLines:' => 'Vee reëls $ DiffLines uit:',
'to:' => 'aan:',
### Page attribute strings
'Attributes' => 'Eienskappe',
'PmWikiAf.XLPage Attributes' => 'PmWikiAf.XLPage kenmerke',
'Set new read password:' => 'Stel 'n nuwe leeswagwoord in:',
'Set new edit password:' => 'Stel 'n nuwe wysigingswagwoord in:',
'Set new attribute password:' => 'Stel 'n nuwe kenmerkwagwoord in:',
'Set new publish password:' => 'Stel 'n nuwe publiseerwagwoord in:',
'Set new upload password:' => 'Stel 'n nuwe publiseerwagwoord in:',
'(set by $PWSource)' => '(ingestel deur $PWSource)',
'(using $PWCascade password)' => '(gebruik $PWCascade-wagwoord)',
'(protected)' => '(beskerm)',
'EnterAttributes' => "Voer nuwe eienskappe vir hierdie bladsy hieronder in. As u 'n veld leeg laat, sal die kenmerk onveranderd bly. Om 'n kenmerk skoon te maak, voer 'clear' in. Om 'n wagwoord te verwyder, voer 'nopass' in.",
'The page has an "attr" attribute and cannot be deleted.' => 'Die bladsy het 'n attr-kenmerk en kan nie verwyder word nie.',
### Authorization strings
'Name' => 'Naam',
'Password' => 'Wagwoord',
'Password required' => 'Wagwoord benodig',
'OK' => 'OK',
'Name/password not recognized' => 'Naam/wagwoord nie herken nie',
### Search strings
'Search Results' => 'Soek Resultate',
'SearchFor' => 'Results of searching for <em>$Needle</em>',
'SearchFound' => '$MatchCount pages found out of $MatchSearched pages searched.',
### Upload strings
'Attachments for' => '',
'File to upload:' => '',
'Name attachment as:' => '',
'Upload' => '',
'Uploads' => '',
'ULsuccess' => 'successfully uploaded',
'ULbadname' => 'invalid attachment name',
'ULbadtype' => "'$upext' is not an allowed file extension",
'ULtoobig' => 'file is larger than maximum allowed by webserver',
'ULtoobigext' => "file is larger than allowed maximum of $upmax bytes for '$upext' files",
'ULpartial' => 'incomplete file received',
'ULnofile' => 'no file uploaded',
'ULexists' => 'file with that name already exists',
'ULpquota' => 'group quota exceeded',
'ULtquota' => 'upload quota exceeded',
### GuiEdit button bar
'Emphasized' => '',
'Emphasized (italic)' => '',
'Strong' => '',
'Strong (bold)' => '',
'Page link' => '',
'Link to internal page' => '',
'link text' => '',
'Link to external page' => '',
'file.ext' => '',
'Attach file' => '',
'Big text' => '',
'Small text' => '',
'Superscript' => '',
'Subscript' => '',
'Heading' => '',
'Subheading' => '',
'Center' => '',
'Unordered list' => '',
'Unordered (bullet) list' => '',
'Ordered list' => '',
'Ordered (numbered) list' => '',
'Indented text' => '',
'Hanging indent' => '',
'Horizontal rule' => '',
'Table' => '',
# access keys
# 'ak_em' => '',
# 'ak_strong' => '',
### Others
'(approve sites)' => '',
'This post has been blocked by the administrator' => '',
'Address blocked from posting' => '',
'Text blocked from posting' => '',
'Password encryption' => '',
'EditConflict' => "The page you are editing has been modified since you started editing it. The modifications have been merged into the text below, you may want to verify the results of the merge before pressing save. Conflicts the system couldn't resolve are bracketed by <<<<<<< and >>>>>>>.",
'EditWarning' => "The page you are editing has been modified since you started editing it. If you continue, your changes will overwrite any changes that others have made.",
'View changes' => '',
'?invalid page name' => '',
'More information' => '',
"PmWiki can't process your request" => '',
'We are sorry for any inconvenience' => '',
'Return to' => '',
### Deprecated
# Use instead the translation for PageTitle/LinkText technical pages above
'PmWikiAf/RecentChanges' => '',
### Historical
'not found' => '',
### Mailform4 translations
'Your email address' => 'Jou eposadres',
'Your message' => 'Jou boodskap',
'Your name' => 'Jou naam',
'Enter CAPTCHA value' => 'Voer CAPTCHA-waarde in',
'Send message' => 'Stuur boodskap',
# Check form messages
'Please enter a valid email address.' => 'Voer 'n geldige e-posadres in.',
'Please enter a valid number between d.' => 'Voer 'n geldige nommer in tussen d.',
'Please enter a string that is between d characters long.' => 'Voer asseblief 'n string in tussen d karakters.',
'Please uncheck the checkbox.' => 'Vink die vinkie uit.',
'Please check the checkbox.' => 'Merk asseblief die vinkie.',
'Please fix the checkbox.' => 'Maak die regmerkie reg.',
'Please select one radio button.' => 'Kies een radioknoppie.',
'Please enter a value.' => 'Voer 'n waarde in.',
'Invalid CAPTCHA code. Please try again.' => 'Ongeldige CAPTCHA-kode. Probeer asseblief weer.',
# Feedback messages
'Sending mails has been disabled.' => "Die stuur van e-posse is gedeaktiveer.",
'Thank you! Your mail has been successfully sent!' => 'Dankie! U e-pos is suksesvol gestuur!',
'Failure sending email.' => 'Kon nie e-pos stuur nie.',
# Return for checkboxes an radios
'checked' => 'nagegaan',
'unchecked' => 'ongemerk',
# Name of fields
'name' => 'naam',
'sender' => 'sender',
'text' => 'teks',
###Total Counter
'Total Counter' => 'Totale toonbank',
'statistics' => 'statistieke',
'Page views' => 'Bladsyaansigte',
'Pages' => 'Bladsye',
'Percent' => 'Persent',
'Count' => 'Tel',
'Users' => 'Gebruikers',
'Browsers' => 'Blaaiers',
'Operating systems' => 'Bedryfstelsels',
'Referers' => 'Verwysers',
'Locations' => 'Plekke',
'Web bots' => 'Web bots',
'today' => 'vandag',
'hours' => 'ure',
'Last day (hours)' => 'Laaste dag (ure)',
'Last week' => 'Verlede week',
'Last month' => 'Verlede maand',
'Last year' => 'Laas jaar',
'Last years' => 'Afgelope paar jare'